Europe Universities

Goldsmiths helps curb climate change

Climate change has necessitated harsh measures for it to be curbed, and Goldsmiths has not been left behind. Expressly, this institution has prohibited beef retailing in distinctive food outlets. 
Goldsmiths, University of London, is a public research university in London, England, specializing in the arts, design, humanities, and social sciences. It is a constituent college of the University of London.
Goldsmiths’ objective is to attain carbon neutrality by 2025.
This research university is crafting stringent measures so that this vision be attained. For instance, this university is making incredible efforts to eradicate plastic usage.
Additionally, the installation of panels as a source of power to its buildings is also being formulated.

Goldsmiths’ beef ban

From September, any beef merchandise will not be permitted in its stores and cafes. Goldsmiths has stipulated that this will be effective from the subsequent academic year.
Moreover, a ten percent (10%) charge will be imposed on not reusable plastic cups and bottled water. This policy is intended at discouraging their usage.
According to Professor Frances Corner, the university’s intention is to be a formidable force as an entirely fresh energy provider.
Furthermore, students are encouraged to take up various curriculum alternatives associated with climate disaster.
Students are supporting the policy change presented by Goldsmiths. For instance, Isabelle Gosse, a psychology undergraduate attests that the move is perfect as it will propel environmental friendliness.
The professor also acknowledges that this strategy is optimistic as Goldsmiths realizes the importance of its accountability and influence in being environmentally conscious.
Goldsmiths’ beef ban is founded on comprehensive scrutiny by researchers that shun dairy and meat products as the best way of lessening human negligence in destroying the environment and causing climate change.
Additionally, an earlier study depicted that beef’s environmental effect is more deleterious as compared to pork and chicken.

Goldsmiths’ passionate community

Professor Corner affirms that the institution’s community comprising of students and staff is excited about the future environment.
As a result, all stakeholders are ready to incorporate the necessary changes so that the institution’s carbon footprint can be slashed radically.
As from December 2019, the institution’s endowment fund will not be effective in corporates gaining more than ten percent (10%) of their profits from the extraction of fossil fuels.
Goldsmiths has made a bold move to ban beef as it aspires to set an incredible precedent.
Moreover, it relays the message about the brilliance of renewable energy. These objectives will be pivotal in realizing its aim of carbon neutrality by 2025.
Goldsmiths is getting admiration from different quarters. For instance, Rosie Rogers, Greenpeace’ climate crisis campaigner, affirms that it is heartening to see such an institution leading by example through actions other than mere words.
Goldsmiths is adhering to the United Nation’s sentiments that people ought to be entirely responsible so that climate change can be mitigated. For instance, persons should incorporate drastic changes in their diet and land use


Brian Njuguna

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