Effective learning requires continuous dedication to the acquisition of knowledge. For a developer, constant learning of new algorithms, languages, frameworks, and new ways to resolve bugs is a requirement.
Effective learning demands more than just studying; the motivation for education should be internal. Linking new knowledge with previous understanding is essential to produce the intended result.
The six principles of Dr. Malcom Knowles advise how adults can learn and meet the requirement for continuous development.
Effective learning by Dr. Malcolm Knowles
Children are told what to learn, but it is different from adults. Learning should be intentional, connected with previous experience to maximize studying. The following are highlights by Dr. Malcom for sound learning.
Human knowledge is interconnected
Effective learning originates from finding the connectivity between what was previously learned with the newly acquired information. This idea comes from the fact that human knowledge is interrelated.
No subject stands alone; there are connections with other matters. Creating links between different topics learned is the foundation for adult learning. It favors the correct application of knowledge.
Possessing an open mind when learning is also vital for active learning, as adult experiences affect learning outcomes. Instead, turn insight encounters to strength for learning.
Purposeful Learning
Being told what to learn as with children doesn’t work for an adult learner. Purposeful learning; knowing the need to learn, and why the information is valuable, help adults to remember and apply knowledge.
Approach learning for immediate use
Learning for the sake of acquiring degrees or some other self-gratifying factors won’t lead to the application of knowledge.
An adult learning should approach studying new information for the sole aim of applying the understanding immediately. The fast application of knowledge improves comprehension and increases the retention ability of adults.
One way to ensure a fast application of knowledge is by being practical with information. Looking out for opportunities to utilize acquired knowledge guarantees effective learning.
Acquire knowledge to be a solution
Engaging in learning as a solution to a challenge ensures quick application of knowledge. Identify a passion and the surrounding problems, and learn new ways to resolve it.
The practical application of an understanding is vital for active learning. Research has shown that knowledge applied is knowledge imbibed.
Own the learning process
Taking ownership of a learning process creates more responsibility for its application. Active learning for adults requires customizing the learning process and taking ownership of the outcome.
Replicate the learning process, recreating content learned with personal words ensures maximum understanding.
The drive to learn
External motivations to learn don’t guarantee the success of a learning process; it works for children. Adult learners need internal stimuli to gain sound knowledge. Intrinsic motivation that moves towards achieving a personal goal provides the energy to remain committed to learning.
Commitment is the KEY to learning
These intrinsic motivators keep the adult learning all through the robust learning process.
Malcolm Shepherd Knowles is an American adult educator, famous for the adoption of the theory of andragogy—initially a term coined by the German teacher Alexander Kapp.
His theory of adult learning is based on 5 assumptions about adult learners:
- Self-Concept
As a person matures his/her self concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being. - Adult Learner Experience
As a person matures he/she accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning. - Readiness to Learn
As a person matures his/her readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his/her social roles. - Orientation to Learning
As a person matures his/her time perspective changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of application. As a result his/her orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject-centeredness to one of problem centeredness. - Motivation to Learn
As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal.
Sadly, universities will always fail at achieving effective learning even with the most sophisticated technology if students are not motivated enough for learning. Even when out of school, stretch yourself further and grow out of your self-imposed exile from learning.