Educational programs through mass media, now possible with the help of the NTC.
TV and radio stations to air educational programs
The announcement was made on Sunday, the Department of Education and the National Telecommunications Commission are teaming up to provide an additional medium of distance learning through mass media. Educational programs per grade level can now be seen on National Television and can be heard through radio stations tapped by the government.
Part of the phase by phase blended learning integration by the Department of Education, the partnership with the NTC paved the way to the introduction of educational programs in mass media.
Having a television or radio is more likely compared to owning a mobile device with internet access. This helps narrow the number of students having difficulty adjusting to blended learning.
Accessibility issues have been narrowed down by the Department of Education, which is one of the main concerns of activist groups claiming that the blended learning format by the DepEd is anti-poor.
Obligations of public service
On a memorandum issued by the National Telecommunications Commission Director, Gamaliel Cordoba, Televisions stations, radio stations, and even cable-service providers are called upon to exhibit their obligation of public service during this pandemic.
Television and radio networks are urged to air bits of educational lessons for children of all ages at any time of the day convenient for students.
Cable-service providers are also requested to provide a free channel for all its subscribers which will include education programs by the DepEd.
The NTC director also announced the use of the state-operated TV channel and radio wave, to air education programs that are part of the blended learning system by the DepEd.
As the resume of classes in August draws near, the Department of Education is slowly fixing the accessibility concerns of the students.