Asia Government

Education system jeopardized by politicians

Education is a fundamental aspect of nation-building. Specifically, a nation’s failure is instigated by a deteriorating education system.
Children are usually nurtured in school through guided familiarities that are instrumental in optimizing their capabilities.
Education also makes students learn how to thrive in a shared community setup.

Education system’s inclusivity

Inclusivity is a crucial element in education. Every learner ought to be provided with equal opportunities irrespective of his/her religion or race.
This approach enables the creation of a country’s pluralistic populace. Virtues should also be inculcated into students so that they can hold universal values.
Different countries have been keen on developing various committees and blueprints centered at propelling the education system.

Education system’s interference by politicians

Politicians have been given considerable mandates in developing educational blueprints and committees. This is unfortunate because they do not have the expertise to build a country’s progressive education network.
Some politicians usually have egocentric motives in different sectors. Education is not an exemption because they utilize image management acts when developing various policies.
This is usually a well-crafted move to woo voters that they are carrying out their job perfectly. Moreover, political elements are heavily entrenched in the education system from the primary to tertiary stages.
Taxpayers have not been given value for their money despite millions being spent when crafting education systems.
 In many instances, politicians have taken up the mandate of developing them in spite of their low practical education knowledge base.
Politicians’ concerns are centered on religion and race because they fear losing elections. The same is replicated in education systems at the expense of significant progress.
For example, in Malaysia, despite sixty-two (62) independence years, the nation still does not have a solution on how to enhance its education system. 
As a result, education in this nation is more of a divisive force as compared to being an integrative one as this fosters nation-building. Social divergence has been inevitable in Malaysia.
The rich in Malaysia, irrespective of race, admit their children to international and private schools as they believe national schools belong to the underprivileged.

Singapore’s incredible education system

In Singapore, education policymakers looked beyond the twentieth (20th) century in the implementation of distinctive approaches. 
For instance, they crafted an education system that was not founded on religious or race doctrines.
In the beginning, the policymakers did not eliminate autonomous vernacular school but made national schools the perfect choice where English was used when teaching. As time progressed the vernacular schools became obsolete.
Furthermore, no international or private schools were permitted. As a result, optimal efforts were put into making national schools outstanding.
The educational system in Singapore has made human resources a formidable force and national asset.
In the near future, nations globally will be governed by the current youth and the type of education systems prevailing will be instrumental in determining good or bad leadership.


Brian Njuguna

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