India Schools

Education in Kashmir: Worst hit amid high tensions in the last 60 days

Education in Kashmir worst hit in the last 2 months amid high tensions

Education in Kashmir suffered a setback in the past two months, ever since Article 370 and 35 A of the Indian constitution was abolished. The immediate aftermath is that the former state of Jammu & Kashmir was completely shut with no communication services whatsoever.
Jammu & Kashmir, since then, have attained the status of a Union Territory (UT) and Laddakh region, which was a part of the state earlier, has attained the status of different UT too. Jammu slowly returned to normalcy, while tensions have been high in Kashmir. How can education in Kasmir proceed with such a situation?
Since the first week of August, three former chief ministers were put in house arrests, devoid of any communication channels. The associated leaders have scrutinized the government moves and raised their voices. With strikes going over for 60 days in Kashmir, the education sector has taken the hardest hit. However, since Wednesday, the higher secondary schools will begin to resume their normal schedules. Primary students are still advised to stay away from schools.
Initially, the Jammu and Laddakh regions were closed too, but they have started their educational operations in a decent manner. Due to tension among the religious communities and the constant fear of terrorists in the Kashmir area, parents have refused to let any kid to school, ignoring concerns about education in Kashmir.
The Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir tried to get the education in Kashmir back to normal schedule by re-opening the primary and middle schools, only too see that not a single child attended the schools. Upon further investigation, it was found that until the network is restored, parents are unwilling to send their children anywhere. 

Pen-Drives facilitate education in Kashmir

Private institutes in the Kashmir valley have managed to restore their operations to a little extent with new admissions to lower classes. Study modules and lessons were delivered via Pen Drives and photo-copied notes to help students prepare for the exam when all these tensions come back to rest.
The medical colleges and dental colleges have been operational as usual in the valley, with no major inconvenience. As far as higher secondary schools are concerned, which are set to start from coming Wednesday, schools have been instructed not to take any bus fees as well as tuition fees from any student for a couple of months. This rule stands for private as well as government institutions. Doubtless, education in Kashmir was in a virtual standstill.
Engineering and technology universities, polytechnic colleges, Kashmir University, Central University Kashmir have been closed ever since August. Students coming from other states for higher education have left the UT under guarded security


Mihir Sharma

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