Europe Schools

Educated people harms the environment, declares a climate activist

Educated people

A child climate activist has stated that schools are failing them because it has been observed that it is educated people who bring harm to the environment. According to him, schools do not prepare anyone or educate people for climate emergency, but rather, focus only on science, technology, engineering, and maths.
17-year-old Joe, who is a student at Devizes School, noted that schools need to place the environment at the heart of education. He added that educated people with degrees from Oxford and Cambridge who are becoming fossil-fuel chief executives are the ones destroying the world. To him, this means that education is not prospering, and it needs to be fixed as education should be building better people, not worse.
This is why “Teach the Future” will next week take its plea for an environmental overhaul of education to Parliament’s Terrace Pavilion, where they will host a crowdfunded reception for MPs.

Teach the Future pro-climate group

The Teach, the Future group, is operated together by the UK Student Climate Network. The UK Student Climate Network is best known for the school climate strikes, and the National Union of Students’ climate charity offshoot, SOS-UK.
Both groups are launching a draft English emergency education bill that embodies their key demands and which Joe believes is going to be huge.
Teach the Future is hoping the draft could at some stage form the rationale of a private member’s bill, but right now, the goal is to get MPs on their side.

Educated people should learn about climate emergency

Joe is positive that education can be used to unravel difficulties if the government wants to. To achieve this, the range of climate emergency education acts should be broader instead of concentrating solely on mathematics, science, engineering, and technology.
This is because the climate situation impacts everything, and it expects results from every part of the community, whether sciences, arts, or mathematics. Furthermore, Joe needs everybody to realize the effect of their behavior on the environment and do things in a way that has a little adverse effect.
He believes most educated people his age want to learn more about climate change, what is responsible for it and the politics behind it.
Although, according to him, even though schools are much sympathetic, they are restricted by insufficient budgets and the needs of a high-stakes exam system.
Additionally, most often, educated people, teachers including requires comprehensive knowledge as regards climate change.
While engineers also have a crucial role, education should become more sustainable. People also need to understand how the climate crisis happened,
The group, which has persuaded dozens of MPs to be at the reception are hoping government ministers and educated and non-educated people close to the government will be present.


Daniel Abel

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