
Djibouti invests in education expansion for 35k students

Djibouti invests in education expansion for 35k students

In a recent World Bank announcement, it was made clear that Djibouti will be supported with further investments in order to realize an education expansion for more than 35,000 students. 
The $15 million investment will come from the International Development Association (IDA), a special division of the World Bank, which concentrates on helping developing countries.

Education expansion

The education expansion the Djibouti government is planning relates mainly to opening more spaces for students and improving their access to quality education. 
The IDA will entirely fund the Expanding Opportunities for Learning Project. One part of the funding ($10 million) will be invested as credit, while the rest ($5 million) will be awarded through a specialized grant, dedicated to Refugees and Host Communities.
One of the main goals of the project will be to set the foundations for a well-functioning primary education system. Of course, the ideal mission of the project will be to develop this system further to cover secondary education as well.
Other missions set out by the projects include extensive teacher training, which will boost the quality of education offered in Djibouti.

Choosing education

Education is one of the primary cornerstones of a prosperous country. Consequently, Djibouti is correctly setting its investments towards developing the education sector.
In this sense, Djibouti is one of the most forward-thinking countries in Africa, as it is actively focusing on boosting access to quality education for pupils of all ages. 
According to recent research by the United Nations (UN), many of the developing countries are still lagging in adopting the necessary measures to meet their Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
These are important goals, as according to the UN, very few of the countries participating in the agreement will be able to show even preliminary progress by the 2030 deadline. 
Hopefully, initiatives like the one World Bank has started in Djibouti will help this situation change for the better.


Hristina Yordanova

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