
Disruption of education fast tracks the birth of Blockchain Babe

disruption of education-blockchain babe

Disruption of education does not mean replacing the low end of a well-defined product. To engage in this process termed “disruption”, we are redefining quality in a much more complex world of knowledge by upgrading the most current educational models. We need a new concept and a new platform for that concept. We cannot put new wine in old wineskins, it’s an old adage but applies here. Think blockchain, Internet, open access for students and teachers in a new ecosystem.
The opportunities are immense when you think about the education industry and what must be done to reach target users with innovation and technology, but there are also technological limitations in many parts of developing countries. Barriers to technological innovations for supporting education include inadequate telecommunications bandwidth, lack of trained support staff, and the cost and the availability of simple telephones, cell phones, computers, and electricity.
Then, think about Blockchain Babe, the epitome of today’s child enabled by a blockchain-based education platform. She cannot go to school but has a thirst for future knowledge. Her country of origin, economic circumstances, gender identity, all those identifying features which will usually define user access – does not. She’s the child of the future as we envisioned her, but that would be too late. Children must be given freedom soon, and not “remain in lockdowns” due to Covid-19.
Mitch Rankin, English Forward Co-Founder and CEO, had this dream of Blockchain Babe and we were hatching it in our chats to and fro. She’s a concept gaining flesh on the blockchain platform. We were going through definite steps to keep going in the right direction, together with the community. Without community, it’s impossible to take any vision to success. We were planning a blockchain education series podcast, ultimately a collection of stories that appeals to both young to old.
We all need a mental health break sometimes, especially during these days of #coronavirus anxiety. Let’s give the children a chance to be productive citizens of the world by giving access to education.
disruption of education blockchain babe

Disruption of education by Mitch Rankin

Mitch Rankin’s September Webinar is still fresh on my mind. He’s quite a persistent man and he will never let go despite the ups and downs on the journey to an all-encompassing dream: accessible education to the world’s excluded 72 million out-of-school children. 
The Blockchain Webinar by stalwarts in the education, business, and marketing spheres went live on September 19, 2019, at six in the evening (6 PM) United Kingdom Time to gather support for disruption of education, or make it more affordable globally by decentralization.
Mitch Rankin, English Forward Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, together with Karnika Yashwant,  EnglishForward Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer, and Earl Flormata, Digital Marketing Strategist, again marked another milestone for the current advocacy of helping meet the needs of seventy-two million (72M) children of primary education age not in school through blockchain technology.
Mitch has been advocating the use of blockchain in alleviating multifold problems of reaching rural communities and providing education to unschooled children.
English Forward is the Internet’s largest “learn English” community. One of the first, longest-running and largest ESL / EFL site in the world with a total of almost three hundred million (296,414,394) users, it attributes seventeen (17) years of established authority to being the unparalleled go-to site for English language learners. All two million (2M) questions-and-answers on the English Forward database are contributed by professional volunteer users.

Blockchain Babe waiting in the background

Globally, seven hundred fifty-nine million (759M) adults are illiterate and do not have the awareness necessary to improve both their living conditions and those of their children. Could blockchain solve the perennial problem of illiteracy for rural children? This is the main question that was resolved by the panel speakers in the seminar.
The solution Mitch offers is the disruption of education through blockchain technology. He believes that access to schools is the first step toward increasing the right to education for all children on a global level, despite race, economic situation, religious affiliation or gender identity.
Student loans show how the current system favors the privileged segment of humanity and leaves out the majority of people that are unable to participate in higher education due to lack of resources (finances) or not being “creditworthy” for loans. 

Decentralization allows employers to become involved

Karnika Yashwant,  EnglishForward Co-Founder & CMO believes that centralization does not fit the current trends of a shared economy, empowerment, and a leaner workforce. Decentralization provides companies with greater autonomy, allowing scope for creativity, resourcefulness, and a better employer-employee fit. 
He also agrees that decentralization (disruption of education) allows employers to become involved in the decision-making and education process right from the recruiting of a student (future employees) through to the successful integration in the company. 
This allows for greater flexibility and makes it possible for better decisions to be made with regard to the employer-employee match.
Earl Flormata, the Evil Marketing Genius, believes in solving the grand challenge of blockchain for Education. The EdTech industry is expected to reach two hundred fifty-two billion dollars ($252B) by 2020, and blockchain is poised to play its part. There are political restrictions and monetary blocks, how to go past them?
First world education is made accessible to third world countries with distance learning resources (MOOC’S – massive online open courses, mobile learning tools, etc.). With an internet connection and available tools, quality education is within every student’s reach. Those who participated in the seminar knew more about what disruption of education entails. Disruption of education is a major upheaval as the trio foresaw it, but disruption of education MUST be done peaceably.
Funds for higher education study can be made accessible through the tokenizing of a course and earning of tokens for progress and participation through a blockchain application.
Read this article to get a bird’s eye view of where you want to take your future education. If you want to help resolve global illiteracy among the poorest community, click here. View this video to learn more about the English Forward advocacy.


Doris Cornago

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