E-Learning Technology

Discovery Education Powered Courses for Online Masters Degree From BVU

The innovative courses promise to support students of all ages and help them better adapt to today’s digital learning infrastructure. 
BVU (Lowa’s Buena Vista University) announced the launch of new courses for online master’s degree program. The track is powered by Discovery Education and includes curriculum resources, content, learning material and professional learning tools for pupils from kindergarten to high school (K-12). 
The courses for online master’s degree also include specialized training for participant educators. They will learn essential skills and classroom management strategies that are required to create and operate a K-12 digital learning atmosphere.
It’s called Teacher Leadership, and it contains instructions and strategies on how to enhance the teaching practice and transform into a full-time online teacher. BVU and Discovery Education will teach newly-made online teachers on how to combine education industry technologies and pedagogically established strategies to formulate student-friendly online classrooms.
Educational technology industry leaders, technology and pedagogy industry leaders designed the courses for online master’s degree that BVU initiated as Technology Integrationist Track, and they are handing over their education and experience for future generations. The initiators also announced that the courses would focus on topics of school leadership in the digital era, and by using high-level technological development, they will evaluate classroom learning.
“Buena Vista University is excited to launch this exciting new relationship with Discovery Education,” said Dr Lucas DeWitt, Program Director of the University’s Master of Education in Teacher Leadership, Curriculum, and Instruction Program. He also added that Discovery Education’s extensive expertise in creating courses for the online master’s degree and online education would benefit the process of BVU Technology Integrationist Track creation, teachers and the students as well. 
In an effort to support the international adoption of Discovery Education powered courses for an online masters degree, they partnered with graduate-level educators and teachers and are working on creating advanced degree programs. These programs will help educators practice and implement online teaching strategies and advance their careers further. Look at this new collaboration as an expansion of the effort to reach the global market of education technologies.
As the research shows, BVU’s teacher leadership program includes one of the most affordable courses for an online master’s degree in the US. Eventually, in two years, for less than $8000, students will be able to obtain the Master of Education degree with the help of Technology Integrationist Track
Kelli Campbell, Discovery Education’s Chief Innovation Officer, announced that she’s proud to be a partner with Dr Dewitt and a fantastic team of BVU. She added that their 10-year collaboration would encourage students all over the world to advance their careers and enter the digital era. 


Marita Pilauri

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