Asia Security

Coronavirus travel ban: 34 anxious South Koreans stuck in Mauritius

Coronavirus travel ban

According to Seoul authorities, 34 newly married South Koreans are stuck in Mauritius after being gathered up and quarantined due to a Coronavirus travel ban.
In a sad turn of events, 400 South Koreans were made to fly back home from Israel after 24 catholic faithful on a pilgrimage to Israel were confirmed positive for Covid-19. Israel imposed a Coronavirus travel ban for entry to the Koreans from entering the country.

Mauritius issues Coronavirus travel ban

These cases have happened to stem from an increase in the number of new Coronavirus cases in South Korea.
Park Min, who was among the honeymooners in Mauritius took to social media and said that their passports were taken from them while they were put on standby and thereafter they were told that they would be isolated for 14 days with no explanation.
After approximately 8 hours, the honeymooners were put in a non-air-conditioned house, with no power source which was labeled “Shelter.”
Park showed images showing tall perimeters surrounding the house. He remarked that it seemed they were on a journey punctuated with snails, rats, and lizards.
Park said in as much as their South Korean foreign mission was assisting with the situation, they were worried cause they lacked infrastructure and they were distressed emotionally following the Coronavirus travel ban.
The foreign ministry in Seoul said that none of the honeymooners had signs and symptoms of the deadly virus. Mauritius has asked for Seoul’s understanding of deciding to impose a Coronavirus travel ban on the island. Four of the visitors including expecting mothers had departed Mauritius for South Korea and the two governments were working close to ensure the rest of them fly back home.
In Israel, a video showing a bus carrying South Korean nationals who could not find a restaurant to put up was shared by the nation’s Channel 13 television.

All the hoteliers ran away on seeing the South Koreans

Eventually, when they found a hotel, they were not allowed to get outside in as much as none of them was infected. Hyun Sook, one of the visitors tried to get outside for exercises but he was requested to get back inside while threatening him by calling the police. All the hoteliers were running away after seeing the visiting South Koreans.
As of now, seven nations have banned entries from South Korea while travel advisories and restrictions have been stepped up following rapid new viral infections in South Korea.
Featured image credits: Pixabay


Martin Ngahu

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