Europe Industry

College degrees mean 88 percent employability; reports ONS

According to the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), eighty-eight percent (88%) of graduates have secured employment opportunities as compared to seventy-two percent (72%) of persons who are not graduates
Available information shows that graduates get a median average salary of thirty-four thousand pounds (£34,000) as compared to their non-graduate counterparts who get twenty-four thousand pounds (£24,000).
Data obtained could mean that the money earned by graduates equals the worthiness of many college degrees. Or at least, could help pay up the debt in getting the degree.

College degrees present many opportunities

Whenever employers are scrutinizing graduates, they gauge many issues, not just the degree. For instance, the applicants are analyzed on how they optimally utilized their time. 
Nevertheless, universities understand this aspect by presenting students with numerous opportunities. 
According to Catriona Scott, Explore Learning director, a university presents real chances to establish skills such as empathy, communication, and resilience. 
As a result, whenever graduates are interviewed, they ought to present their university experiences, as well as how their transferable capabilities will come in handy in propelling business objectives. 
Scott affirms that graduates can never lack a story because they have a wide range of options such as a problematic presentation, a charity event, or a dissertation project. These skills will be instrumental in boosting their competitive edge in a stiff job market.
Scott stipulates that there is more offered by a university degree other than qualification. 

College degrees offer lifelong value

Andrew Wathey, Northumbria University’s vice-chancellor, attests that the success levels of a degree should not be judged based on the first and second jobs secured by graduates as it incorporates lifelong value. 
He acknowledges that university education is pivotal in presenting people with better options for future career paths. As a result, it offers an extensive knowledge base to graduates as their professional life grows. 
Wathey also states that the nation requires an adaptable workforce with the capability of efficiently responding to the uncertain environment. Universities come in handy in this undertaking. 
A student social media platform called Research from Campus Society stipulated that twenty-five percent (25%) of students thought their degrees did not adequately equip them with technical skills necessitated in career choices.
Graduates are, however, advised to continue learning new skills as this expands their knowledge base in the job market. 
For instance, Tom Bourlet, Evanta’s marketing manager, attests that he was taught the conventional marketing procedures at the university. He, however, had to expand his expertise by learning digital skills such as affiliates, PPC, and SEO. 
Nevertheless, the issue of whether free-college should exist is continuously triggering mixed reactions. 


Brian Njuguna

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