Science United States

Climate change: Why many ignore and refuse to believe it exists

Climate change

Climate change is a major issue facing the planet today, but some people believe that it’s a hoax, even some famous people believe that this is an example of fake science, while others believe that it exists but not to the degree that some say.
Reportedly multinational corporations, political lobbyists, media moguls, amongst many other individuals have spent time and resources sowing doubt in mind of the general public about the reality of climate change.
Although, statistics show that their hold on the public seems to be waning. The increasing number of extreme weather events, school climate change strikes, protests, governments declaring a climate emergency, etc, have all contributed to the recent shift in people’s beliefs.
However, this means lobbying has also changed their means of approach, now employing more subtle and vicious approaches to sway public opinion, such as climate sadism.
Recent surveys suggest that over 75 percent of Americans believe humans are responsible for climate change.
President Donald Trump told the American public that he did not believe in climate change because he hasn’t seen any real evidence, describing the whole phenomenon as just bad weather.
Sadly, Trump isn’t alone, some world leaders also share the same beliefs as Trump, who has since pulled out of the Paris Accords, a pact signed by several countries to change their environmental practices.
Climate change refers to the changes in temperatures and climates experienced by people living in countries all around the world. Those who deny it exists give few key reasons for their conviction. Here are some of the reasons given:

Distrust of science

Many of these unbelievers claim that scientists are wrong and that climate change is just part of the natural cycle. Some are of the opinion that it’s just a global conspiracy, that climate scientists are fixing the data to show the climate is worsening.
Yet the facts are undeniableSea levels and global temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, and ice sheets are shrinking at unprecedented rates. CO2 levels have also shot up dramatically since the Industrial Revolution, suggesting these events are very likely a product of human activities.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has declared that scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unquestionable.

No real evidence

With the massive amount of evidence available, those who deny climate change exists refuse to look in that direction. Many claim that any evidence that proves it exists is already tampered with to change public opinions.
At the core of climate change denial is the brain’s confirmation bias, a natural tendency to seek and interpret facts in a way that confirms our pre-existing beliefs.
This ultimately turns into motivated reasoning, an emotion-based decision-making process in which people to cling to false beliefs and ignore any opposing evidence.

Ideological views

Ideological views such as religious fundamentalism or conservatism make it more likely that a person will deny climate change, and their denial can be reinforced by others within their social network with similar beliefs.
So Christians feel more comfortable attributing the bad state of the environment to end time than believing scientists.
Some parents even petition schools that global warming should no longer be taught in schools.

Economic reason

The thought that climate change is too expensive to fix is another factor. Experts hold that to fix climate change at least 1 percent of world GDP would be spent towards that endeavor.

Political denial

Climate change deniers argue that they cannot take action because other countries are not taking action. But not all countries are equally guilty of causing current climate change.
Notably, 25 percent of the human-produced CO₂ in the atmosphere is generated by the United States, another 22 percent is produced by the European Union, and Africa produces fewer than 5 percent.
Many will also tell you that there are other problems to fix closer to home without bothering with global issues.


Daniel Abel

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