Law and Courts

Chinese security law: Canada suspends partnership with Hong Kong

Chinese security law

As a result of the unfavorable Chinese security law passed in Hong Kong by Chinese officials, Canada has announced that it has suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong as a protest.
As a result of the Chinese security law, Canada further stated that it plans to stop exports of sensitive military equipment to China while simultaneously updating its travel information about the city.
Canada said that it had started the right sensitization process to educate its citizens on the effects of the law on them, as noted by the foreign minister of Canada. Presently, a high ranking officer in the country says that Canada is forced to reassess existing arrangements with China. 

Canada to reassess its existing partners as a result of Chinese security law

Prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau Talked about how the new development as synonymous to the previous treaty established after Hong Kong gained independence from Britain in 1997.
Trudeau was quoted as saying that Canada believes firmly in an ideology that a two-system framework can support one country. The prime minister further noted that the new Chinese security law was without the participation of Hong Kong’s legislature, judiciary or people, and in violation of international obligations. 
With this in mind, Trudeau declared that with the new laws, Canada is forced to reassess existing arrangements with China.
China has said that the new regulations will help bring stability after protests have rocked the countries in recent years. Its leaders further noted that the new laws would not abrogate the freedom enjoyed by the country’s citizens. 
Police have already begun arresting people for possessing protest flags and banners, and the government in Hong Kong has made clear certain political views, especially calls for independence, are now outlawed.

The new law states that calls for independence have been revoked

Hong Kong has now shown its clear stance on its political views, and it states that the call for independence has now been abolished.
According to a Foreign Minister in Canada, Francois-Phillipe champagne criticized the Chinese security law after he noted that it was made in secret without the influence of any government arm.

The passing of the law didn’t consider the arms of government and abused basic Hong Kong law, and there should have been consultations which will boost the one-party two systems method, the minister said.

With the recent development in place, relations between China and Canada have been tense in the previous weeks because Canada frowns on the current extradition law.
With the sanctions now in place, Chinese Telco giant Huawei currently wanted to violate sanctions against Iran in the US. Trudeau said he has been rejecting calls to intervene on the matter and exchange the company’s executive Meng Wazhou for two Canadian arrested for espionage. As Canada is forced to reassess existing arrangements with China, another country might soon follow suit.

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