Asia Schools

Chinese education starts with indoctrination at age 3


All are required to be part of the indoctrination, the government wants the children to start young, even as young as 3 years old.

Indoctrination in China

Every Saturday afternoon, the national anthem can be heard throughout the streets in a residential community in Hangzhou.
A student complained to her mother, saying:

We are required to sing the national anthem in school at noon, during self study-time and even in the evening. The most annoying part is even at home, the anthem is still played over our community.
Red songs are everywhere, the music plays in my mind all the time. I even unconsciously hum it at times. I am having a hard time focusing with my homework because of the music in my head.

Citizens are expressing their annoyance with the Red party propaganda filling the air in China.

The Communist party is really crazy. Red songs are sung everywhere. Even in social media, it is flooded with red songs and propagandas. We can’t even enjoy a good music during the weekend because of patriotic songs being played constantly.

President of China, Xi Jinping proclaimed,

Revolutionary traditional education must start with our young ones. We should not only pay attention to indoctrination just for knowledge but with heart. We should strengthen the cultivation of red sentiments in them so they would accept it whole-heartedly.

The president’s mandate is compulsory and implemented in full force. The Education Bureau of Jiazhou city even compiled a textbook with a red initiative entitled: “Pass on Red Genes and Build up Young Strength”
In the preface of the textbook there is a line there saying:

Instructed by Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

As early as kindergarten

Shockingly, toddlers going to school as early as kindergarten are already forced to embrace the red culture.
A kindergarten teacher from Yichun city in Jiangxi Province sympathizes with the toddlers,

Even toddlers are part of the indoctrination. They do not understand what is happening, the just weep and sob most of the time.

Young children are required to raise the national flag and sing the national anthem. Some parents are starting to get aggregated with this policy by the government of imposing such strict compliances on poor young children. Parents believe that this mandatory indoctrination is too harsh at this young age, it seems like China is regressing into the times of the Cultural revolution.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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