Asia Nonprofits

Children’s right to education should be a priority, says welfare group

Children’s right to education should be a priority, says welfare group

A welfare group has called on the government to ensure children’s right to education is protected during the lockdown. The group also called for increased investment in the education sector to further ensure education was accessible to all.
Save the Children Philippines has called on government, local government units (LGU) and the Department of Education to ensure children’s right to education is observed during this lockdown period.

Call for protection of children’s right to education

The Chief Executive officer of the welfare group also called on the government to invest in capacity building during this period of pandemic lockdowns. He continued by saying that learning has to continue while ensuring that children are protected from coronavirus.
Muyot continued by arguing that even at a time of a crisis like a coronavirus pandemic that has caused school closures, children’s right to education can still be fulfilled. Methods of teaching will be different, and sometimes difficult to adapt to. However, he continued by giving hope that it was not impossible to have a system that worked for these kids.
Sierra Paraan, a basic education advisor of the welfare group, called on the government to invest in infrastructure that would enable children to stay connected at home. She argued that this would increase the number of children having access to online materials, thus ensuring a continuation of education during the lockdown.
Paraan added that more institutions such as museums and the Early Childhood Care and Development Council should develop content and make it available to teachers and students. This would further increase access to education and promote children’s right to education in the country.
Children with disabilities have also been neglected during the lockdown period. Paraam said the government should also invest in their welfare, ensuring that they are able to adapt to the learning modes adopted during this period.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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