
Celebrating 150th Anniversary of Nonprofit Education Services

Allie Vu is a Ferris graduate who received an award with $2500 scholarship by members of Philanthropic Educational Organization Chapter C.Q. Vu turned out to be one of the exceptional seniors from Washington to receive STAR scholarship from the organization that counts more years than the state itself.
We are also celebrating the 150th anniversary of the organization with 6000 branches throughout the United States and Canada.
The award-winning graduate had never heard about P.E.O. herself, and after realizing the changes in her life, she thanked the members and said: “This will really help.” 

How nonprofit education support began?

Philanthropic Educational Organization is the result of a close friendship and bond between seven young girls who met each other at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. It’s thought to be North America’s one of the oldest women’s organizations. 
Since 1869 (beginning of the organization), the organization has helped over 105,000 women with their dreams and goals of pursuing education and career goals. 
Besides helping women achieve their goals, the organization has inspired others to get together and serve a noble reason. About half a million women in the U.S. and Canada joint strengths to help and support other women.
The organization members have 15 meetings a year. And additionally, several interest group meetings for hiking, knitting and book club lovers. They also hold fundraisers during the year in an effort to support the organization’s scholarship programs. With the raised money they also support the Liberal Arts and Science College in Nevada, Missouri, which has been owned by P.E.O. Since 1927. 
The branches have different fundraisers throughout the U.S. and Canada. Chapter C.Q. President, Betty Quinn, added that they have an auction around Christmastime. They also have a spring fundraiser in a different branch, where they sell geraniums. 
You can become a member by getting an invitation, without the need to be a college graduate. So, celebrate the 150 years of education support and encourage others to achieve their dreams. 


Marita Pilauri

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