Europe Schools

Cambridge county to protest over budgets cuts for education

In September, teachers’ unions, parents and students will go out and march against the recent budgets cuts for the 2019 school year in Cambridge county. According to union representatives, the budget announced for the upcoming year is unfair and will make it hard for teachers to perform their duties adequately.
During the past several years, the Department of Education has kept up allocating fewer funds for education in the county. In the budget for 2019, Cambridge county will receive about four hundred pounds less per student than the average for the whole of England. In comparison, Westminster county will receive approximately one thousand and six hundred pounds more per student than Cambridge.
The severe budget cuts have made some schools reduce the teaching time of faculty members, and cut the number of employed people in the institutions. Consequently, many parents and teachers are worried about the state of the educational system in the county, and the quality of education students receive.

Cambridge, the United Kingdom, and budgeting

In recent weeks, several areas in the United Kingdom have expressed concerns about the severe budget cuts introduced to the educational system. Parents in Wales have complained that there have been significant cuts to the funding allocated for music classes, which means families have to pay for their children’s’ music equipment.
Unfortunately, the government is struggling to find a balance in the distribution of funds for education across the country. This leads to escalations and public dissatisfaction, as some areas receive more money, while others are left struggling.


Hristina Yordanova

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