Teachers United States

Call me MISTER: Diversifying the teaching profession


The Call Me MISTER (Mentors Instruction Student Toward Effective Role Models) initiative is aimed to provide a diverse pool of available teachers, especially in low performing elementary schools.

Goals of the Call Me MISTER movement

The program aims to provide a diversified pool of excellent teachers exhibiting a passion for teaching. As of today, only 2% of the total teachers in the US are black men. Even though racism has been not as harsh as it was from before, there is still this stigma against colored men that puts them in doubt to pursue a career in teaching.
Daniel Spencer went to Clemson University, like any other colored male; he faced a lot of challenges all throughout his college life. But with the help of the MISTER program, he overcomes his fears and self-doubt that hindered him to lead, now he is mentoring younger ones in his community.
Clemson University’s Call Me MISTER is an effective leadership development program for African American males in training and encouraging them to be successful teachers and role models in elementary schools.
Having more black male teachers in elementary schools
Research shows that for minority children in elementary schools, having at least one colored teacher is a key to their success and added confidence. It inspires them to be more assertive in class and neglect the feeling of being in a minority.

A study at Johns Hopkins University found out that low-income black students who went to elementary school having black teachers are more likely to finish high school and proceed into college.

The importance of having black male teachers is they can reflect the identity of the student they are teaching and relate to their behavior and emotional upbringing. The connection between teacher and student is critical in a student’s personal development.

Data from schools in the US show that around 19% of the colored teachers often transfer between schools or leave their profession as compared to white teachers at 15%.

The MISTER initiative encourages colored teachers to stay in their profession and help motivate more young students to pursue schooling.
Having Black male teachers in elementary schools presents a positive effect on the students. White students will be able to eliminate the idea of segregation and discrimination at a young age, black students will be more motivated to pursue schooling and inspire them to be successful in life.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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