Blockchain India

Blockchain powered voting system; a feat by 3 women engineering students


Blockchain powered voting system was developed by three (3) Indian engineering students from Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women
The objective behind the blockchain structure by the Indian engineering students was to amicably tackle the voting difficulties witnessed in urban areas, such as long queues at polling centers. 

The novel voting system by the Indian engineering students

Shivani, one of the Indian engineering students who created the blockchain voting system, noted that urban areas were considerably affected by long queues.
She stipulated:

The poll percentages in rural areas are always higher than that of urban areas. Long queues at the polling stations are one of the reasons.

They, therefore, seek to eradicate this challenge by introducing an online voting system that is founded on the blockchain technology. The voting network has already been tested in gated communities comprising of small residential streets and shared amenities. 

Blockchain powered voting system adopted across the globe

The Indian engineering students are part of developers in the world who seek to revamp voting systems using blockchain technology. One of the primary factors for this trend is based on the transparency rendered by blockchain.
Additionally, the blockchain network utilized is immutable as it cannot be tampered with, and this is a crucial factor in the voting process.
The Indian engineering students follow the footsteps of two counties in the US that revealed their intentions of incorporating blockchain-enabled mobile voting for special elections to be held in November 2019. 
Additionally, the Uruguayan Digital Party also recently embraced blockchain technology in its voting process following a collaboration with a blockchain firm called Aeternity. 
On the other hand, Switzerland’s University of St. Gallen recently favored blockchain technology to eradicate the problem of severe fraudulent diplomas on the global spectrum. 
This institution asserted that it is ready to launch a pilot project based on the blockchain technology. Its objective is verifying the genuineness of the degrees and diplomas offered in seconds other than several days.
The blockchain-powered voting system has been in use in other countries since March 2018.


Brian Njuguna

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