Government United States

Betsy DeVos in trouble over for-profit schools handling

Betsy DeVos

Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, is facing separate lawsuits based on the way the Department of Education handled for-profit schools.
One of the accusations entails how an operator of for-profit schools was permitted to misguide students. As a result, they are drowning in debt that is beyond their capabilities.
It is also alleged that Betsy DeVos has continually refused to discharge the student loan debt of borrowers.

Betsy DeVos slapped with subpoena threats

The lawsuits were filed on October 22, and on the same day, Betsy DeVos was given subpoena threats by House Democrats for hindering their investigations into the department’s misdeeds. A subpoena is a summon that orders an individual to attend a court.
House Democrats were agitated because of the lack of cooperation from Betsy DeVos as she obstructed the scrutiny of the operator who misled students. Interestingly, operations in the schools were continuing normally despite the loss of accreditation. 
It has been alleged that the actions of the Department of Education were detrimental as students were made to borrow money and waste an incredible part of their lives pursuing unaccredited education. 

Betsy DeVos handling of Dream Center Education Holdings questioned

One of the weighty issues facing Betsy DeVos is the way her department handled Dream Center Education Holdings as it purchased nearly 100 for-profit schools from the Education Management Corporation in 2017. 
This occurred just a few months before two of the bought schools lost their entire accreditation in January 2018. 
Bobby Scott, the Representative of Virginia, noted that the department was also being scrutinized for its involvement in a particular dubious maneuver, whereby the non-profit status of some schools was conveyed to propel their continued capacity of getting federal funds. 
On the other hand, the United States Education Department has come under fire for providing $10.7 million in federal loans and grants to students in unaccredited for-profit colleges. The students were ineligible to receive the funds according to the report, which first noted the anomaly.


Brian Njuguna

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