Government United States

Betsy DeVos calls for resistance in the education department as Biden admin draws closer

Betsy DeVos calls for resistance in the education department as Biden admin draws closer

Betsy DeVos has urged the education department career staffers to resist the incoming administration’s changes that they deemed would negatively affect students.

In a recording that was obtained by Politico Betsy DeVos noted that thousands of career staffers in the department of education will still be there in the next administration. She urged them to be the resistance against the forces that would derail them from delivering their mandate to students. She continued by also encouraging them to always act in the best interest of the students and asked told them that in everything they do, they should always put the students first.

Betsy DeVos’ speech

Betsy DeVos was speaking at a department-wide virtual meeting that focussed on transitioning to the incoming administration. DeVos, who in the past has had conflicts with the career staffers at the education department also highlighted some of the success that the department had achieved during the past four years.

She lauded her controversial Title IX overhaul of campus sexual assault rules that saw a reversal of Obama-era sexual assault regulations that had expanded the rights of the accusers. Title IX was able to expand the rights of the accused, and remove some protection from the accusers. They also narrowed what constituted to be a sexual assault and also made it hard to investigate every sexual assault cases that happened by limiting the type of sexual assault allegations that can be legally investigated.

Throughout her term, Betsy DeVos has expressed her displeasure with the career staffers at the education department who she accused of being bureaucratic. She also faced numerous leaks of policies and opposition for some of her policies. In an interview last fall, she blamed the career staffers for making her work harder than it should have been, saying that the building had caused more problems than it solved.

Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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