
Essex headteacher worried about bereaved children

Support for bereaved children

If we are looking for one person that has been severely hit by massive deaths resulting from the coronavirus pandemic complications, Vic Goddard is the right person to fill this spot.
Vic Goddard, who is the Headteacher at Passamores academy, located in Harlow, has about 23 of his students, as well as about two staffs who have been affected by deaths resulting from the pandemic. According to Vic Goddard, one thing he doesn’t want to happen when the affected children return to the school is not being able to help them get over the pain.
The Headteacher has said that they will do everything to provide support for bereaved children when they resume.

School should help children during the bereavement process

In his words, the Headteacher who is coincidentally the star of Educating Essex, a TV show that aired around 2011, he says he feels they should be responsible for helping the students.
He further notes that even though he feels their pain and wants to cry, he and other teachers in the school have to remain strong for them. He said that they need to find a way to provide support for bereaved children.
Going further, Vic said,

I  have never stayed in a place with so many deaths before, but I still have to find a way to help them through this bereavement process.

Prioritize support for bereaved children, headteacher notes

Goddard has noted that teaching and non-teaching staff have been going through a rigorous training process from mental health experts. He says he wants every hand to be on deck if they are to guarantee a 100% help when the school resumes.
Furthermore, Steve Howell, a headteacher at a school in Birmingham, has noted that his school has suffered so much as a result of the pandemic. He pointed out that the total number of bereaved children is up to 13 out of 464 cases.
As the infection cases are not planning to stop anytime soon, most of the adults around the community have signed up to Winston’s Wish, a charity that offers support for bereaved children.
A 413% increase was noted in its website traffic since 23 March compared with last year. More than 10,000 people have signed up since its new free online bereavement training course, aimed at teachers and school staff, went live on 7 May.
The charity aims to provide support for bereaved children, and about 10,000 people have been said to have signed up after the dire effects of the pandemic were made known.
A spokesperson for the charity noted that they understand that this is a trying time for the whole country. They will do everything in their capability to help and provide support for bereaved children all over the country, the spokesperson said.

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