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Barometer: There are more than enough teachers in training in Northern Ireland

According to the recent skills barometer compiled by the Department of Economics and the Ulster University Economic Policy Centre (UUEPC), there are too many teachers currently in training in Northern Ireland. 
The barometer presents a detailed report on the trending skillsets necessary for succeeding in the current and future market in Northern Ireland. One of the key points highlighted by UUEPC is that young teachers have a hard time finding a job.
 Because of this problem, the report concludes that Northern Ireland needs necessary and speedy changes to teacher training policies and regulations. 

More about the barometer

Other conclusions of the barometer include the importance of vocational education and technical skills. The gathered data shows that there is still a hunger for skilled professionals on the market in Northern Ireland. Many countries around the world are struggling to achieve a balance between the interest in university education, and the lack of interest in technical education. Germany and China are working on a partnership, which aims to boost exchange students in vocational training.
While teachers in training are in excess in Northern Ireland, there will be a significant need for people with knowledge in computer science and technically qualified workers in the future. The estimated number of open jobs in the computer programing sector for 2028 is more than ten thousand.
It is encouraging that many people in Northern Ireland are showing an interest in teaching qualifications; however, this might cause significant gaps in other sectors.  According to the authors of the reports, young adults must make informed decisions about the development path they are going to take after graduating from high school.


Hristina Yordanova

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