
Australian university to support innovative cryptocurrency program through Bitcoin and Ethereum funding

Curtin University in Western Australia has recently announced a new program for higher education, focusing mainly on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. To support the program financially, the university is accepts funding only in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
According to a representative of the university, accepting funds only in the form of cryptocurrency is an excellent way to popularize this payment method, and to boost its settlement in everyday life. 
The idea behind Curtin University’s decision to only fund through Bitcoin and Ethereum is to attract the attention of wealthy cryptocurrency owners, who might want to invest in the further development of this technology by providing education to enthusiastic youth. According to the university, the people who gave away the most significant amount of cryptocurrency as funding for the program will have a say at what classes are going to cover. 

Cryptocurrency and education

Blockchain technology is becoming a massive trend around the world, which is why more universities and higher education institutions start offering courses focused on developing this innovative technology. 
What is even more impressive is that blockchain technology is revolutionizing the inner workings of educational systems as well. Distributed ledgers are now used to automate admissions records and bookkeeping. The best thing is that while many schools have recently become victims of cyberattacks if blockchain technology is incorporated on a larger scale, such security issues might not be a problem anymore. 
Curtin University’s approach to providing blockchain technology education is an excellent way to reach out to potential investors who already have an interest in the subject.


Hristina Yordanova

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