Europe Students

2020 graduates fear what future lies ahead past COVID-19 outbreak

2020 graduate

2020 graduates grow unsure of what is waiting for them after this coronavirus outbreak settles down.

A challenge for 2020 graduates

This has been a challenging year for students on all grade levels. The coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed education systems worldwide, forcing education officials to take drastic measures in order to preserve order in the system.
Arguably, the most affected students of this pandemic are the upcoming 2020 graduates. With schools being shut down, students were forced to bid their goodbyes in an unprecedented manner. “Nobody knows when and where we will be able to see each other,” sentiments from one of the graduating students of this year.
Other than graduating students, they can still see each other at school when classes resume after this pandemic. But for the graduating class of 2020, especially those in elementary and high school, they will be facing a new chapter of their life without even bidding formal goodbyes to their friends and classmates.

Sentiments from the graduating class

Graduation is probably one of the most important milestones in our childhood life; for the 2020 graduates, it will be a different kind of gratitude for them. A token of gratitude for surviving this global pandemic that took a toll on more than a million human lives worldwide.
Sukhdip Nagra, a high school graduating student, expressed her loss of motivation to review for her future, her college plans.

We were all in shock, we were only given two days to bid our goodbyes. Who knows when or where will we meet each other again, or are we still there to see each other when this pandemic subsides.

Students are also left confused about different policies from school administrators on how they will go on with their classes, requirements, and UCAS applications when school is still closed.
At the tertiary level, there are also exceptions being made by different countries on their students from specific courses. In some countries, medical students in their final year are being considered to skip clinic hours and fast track their accreditation to be able to add them in the workforce for fighting off the coronavirus.
Featured image by WCYB


Ken Vincent Rosales

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