Asia Technology

Education in Turkey now ready for distance learning

education in Turkey

Following China, education in Turkey is getting ready to implement a full distance learning program on its school systems.

Coronavirus hitting the education sector

Since the coronavirus broke lose in different countries worldwide, the education department became one of the most paralyzed sectors. Countries worrying about the highly contaminable coronavirus have already ordered the suspension of classes and shutting down of schools. The virus is transmittable via droplets excreted from a human contaminated by the virus, entering the nodules in the face of another individual such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Surgical masks are the best way to block off these droplets from entering your body by inhaling. Frequent washing of hands also washes away the bacteria residue on your hands that might enter your body through rubbing of the eyes, picking of the nose, and hand to mouth contact.
Schools were closed to limit the transmission, especially on kids and parents going to the school premises. Handling social distancing measures and constant sanitation is pretty hard to manage in a huge population, mostly dominated by kids.

Online education in Turkey is next to China

China, which was the first country to be hit by the deadly coronavirus, was quick in containing the virus and its people. The country also implemented the learning from home program that is slowly growing popular in other countries. Education in Turkey is just one of the proactive education sectors worldwide that followed the steps of China.
The degree of detail that the Turkish government laid on their distance learning project is very commendable. The government carefully addressed the impact of the virus on education in Turkey and acted accordingly.
The proposed distance learning in Turkey will operate in both online and televised platforms prepared by the government. Around 18 million students will be able to access educational materials through the government’s Education Information Network.
The Education Ministry wants to ensure that students from rural areas will able to access the same kind of distance learning as to those from urban areas. Online education in Turkey is still on progress, but rest assured that the ministry will continue to develop it continuously until high standards are met.
Featured image by Yenisafak


Ken Vincent Rosales

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