Government United States

An update to Biden's higher education plan for 2020

higher education plan

Presidential candidate Joe Biden flourishes new guidelines on his higher education plan campaign.

Higher education plan revision

Vice president Joe Biden has remained strong and firm with his campaign for a higher education plan on his run for the presidency. As his competition drops their interest in education policy as part of their campaigns, Biden remained and even adopted some of their ideas to his own. In a recent interview, Biden mentioned coming up with a revised version of his higher education plan from last year.
The former components of the presidentiable’s campaign include the strengthening of funding for Pell Grant awardees and providing free tuition for all Americans in community colleges. In his revised version, he is adopting ideas from Senator Warren’s debt cancellation plan, and Senator Sander’s College for All Act of 2017.
The College for All Act of 2017 provides tuition-free access for Americans in community colleges, and families with an annual income of at most $125,000 can also be entitled to free tuition in public four-year colleges.

Criticisms on Biden’s new policy

With Biden’s inclusion of Sanders’s education plan, Sanders’s supporters begin to criticize him. Sanders had a more recent revision of the College for All Act in 2019, and it provides free-tuition access for all with no family salary restriction taken into consideration. Biden chose to go for the latter, which is an older version, and he chooses not to include the one-time student debt forgiveness policy on Sanders’s higher education plan. It might irate  Sanders’s supporters but possibly gain more support from other voters.
Biden’s revised higher education plan is considered to be more plausible since it can cover at most 80 percent of the students in higher education. Those who do not meet the conditions are most likely also not going into public and community colleges since they can afford to go to popular private colleges.
The revision made by the Biden camp is geared towards garnering additional support from Democrats and Liberals altogether. He is consolidating ideas to please both parties, on a higher chance of gaining their support. Currently, at least 61 percent of Democrats are favoring Biden over Sanders.
Featured image by National Review


Ken Vincent Rosales

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