Africa Government

The Education Amendment Act: African children should all go to school

education amendment act

The Education Amendment Act of Africa was passed last Friday, state-funded education must be accessible to all.

Passing of the Education Amendment Act

On Friday, the Education Amendment Act was passed as a form of strengthening the education system in Africa, especially from the early childhood development stage up to the secondary education level. Parents who fail to send their children to school will be fined heftily and imprisoned depending on the court ruling.
Parents who fail to comply can be fined a maximum of $4,800 and two-years imprisonment. The court will decide the severity of the offense depending on the financial capacity of the family and the availability of schools within their place of residence.
The court will force a maximum sentence for families that are financially able and with easy access to education facilities but chose not to send their children to school. Families without financial problems are entitled to support from the state for primary and secondary education.

Financial capacity is not a hindrance

State financial support for students is based on family income. The state will provide educational facilities and teaching materials with minimal fees in return. The state will consider financial status and location in offering state subsidy on education fees.
The Education Amendment Act also prohibits schools from disallowing students to go to school due to the non-payment of school fees. The law also requires every child to commit to primary and secondary educational institutions closest to their residence, not unless the school is in full capacity. In case the school’s full capacity has been met, the head of the school shall put it in the documentation for proof of certification.
The Girl’s right is also empowered by this act. They will receive additional support in terms of sanitary provisions and menstrual health facilities. Early pregnancy shall also not hinder female students to go to school if they are still physically able to attend their classes.

The act eliminates discrimination of students to attend school due to difference in nationality, ethnicity, color, langauge, sexual orientation, religion, pregnanccy, and or disability.

Featured image by DW


Ken Vincent Rosales

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