Schools United States

Gun Rights: 2 students sue Wisconsin Universirty for violation of free speech rights

Gun rights

Two students from Wisconsin University have pressed charges against their faculty for prohibiting wearing T-shirts that display gun rights, labeling it as a violation of free speech constitutional right or the so-called 1st Amendment under the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Gun rights support

Despite the fact that one of the students, Robert Newhouse is still young to legally own a gun, he remarked that he is a legal gun-rights supporter and that explained the reason why he dons T-shirts that had rifle images on the front side.
When Robert was told that he would not wear the shirts in Kettle Moraine College, he told his mother who among other relatives were perplexed by the treatment.
Robert’s mother said that it was upsetting to receive such a ban for simply having a photo on her son’s T-shirt that indicated that he was a supporter of legal gun ownership.
However, Robert was still putting on the T-shirt and his mother received a note from the University reading that students were not allowed to don garments that show guns, medications or alcohol. Therefore Robert was violating the school’s principles and could not be allowed to continue.

Gun rights group claim the shirts are non-violent

Roberts’ classmate also went through a similar ordeal for putting on a shirt showing a photo of Wisconsin Carry, a group whose agenda was gun rights. Nik Clark, the head of the group said that students should be allowed to wear non-violent or non- threatening shirts as they carried on their everyday business.
Robert hopes that by suing the university, he will be in a position to put on his shirts again. He believes it only makes sense for the institution to be honest because other students express their beliefs which he differed with. However, in as much as he differed with the message, he did not go after the individuals.
The institution, Kettle, has not responded, as the matter is awaiting litigation.
Featured image credits: Pixabay


Martin Ngahu

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