Schools United States

Sex education curriculum approved in Texas

Sex education curriculum

The new sex education curriculum was unanimously voted in by Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees.

Sex education curriculum approved

The Austin Independent School District (AISD) Board of Trustees unanimously voted for the implementation of sex education curriculum for elementary to middle school in Texas State.
The new curriculum that was passed early Tuesday morning will take effect by May 2020.
Numerous concerns from hundreds of individuals pushed the AISD board to come up with a decision regarding the implementation of sex education in elementary and middle schools. The initial draft includes fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in the said curriculum.
Topics included in the lesson flow revolves mostly around relationships, reproductive anatomy, puberty, and sexually transmitted diseases. There are also two sub-topics included which tackles sexual orientation and gender identity.
Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation is the first topic for the fifth graders. They will be taught about gender distinction, gender expression, and gender identity.
As they move forward to sixth grade, more interactive methods will be used about sexual orientation and understanding the LGBTQ community. At this stage, video presentations will be introduced as tools for learning.

Sex assigned at birth is independent to gender identity

Vice-president  for Texas Values says:

The purpose of the curriculum is to promote radical ideology that  most of us see as a conflict in belief. It will trigger children to denounce and challenge other students’ view regarding gender orientation and some religous contexts.

Others stand that this sex education curriculum is just a front to push through LGBT acceptance, it is not being used as a tool to answer youth pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The curriculum creates differences between families, parental rights, stand in religion, and confuses children about additional genders aside from being male and female.
The focus on LGBT issues makes students under this curriculum as instant LGBT advocates.
A Republican candidate, Jennifer Fleck comments:

You are confusing the child’s sexuality and gender, the only legacy you will impart to them is the legacy of destruction

AISD teachers are expected to start training early next year.
March marks the start of principals conducting human sexuality and responsibility orientation for parents. Parents will then be given opt-out letters if they chose their children to be not included in the new curriculum.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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