United States Universities

Penn State Universities unite to raise $300M

Pennsylvania state Universities unite to cut cost

Plan to have state universities in Pennsylvania consolidated are underway. The suggested plan would see research and development, information technology and services such as online studies integrated for 14 universities participating in the plan.
Pennsylvania state universities are working together to ensure that there is more consolidation in how they run their affairs. They also aim to reduce the cost associated with running a university and ask for more funds from the state government.
Operating under the umbrella the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, the universities through their board of governors had suggested that they needed $100 million. However, there was an objection from some members such as the board chair Cynthia Shapira who said that $100 million will not be enough to run their affairs.

Funding of the state universities project

The figure was revised to $300 million and forwarded to the state Senate for approval. When coming up with the figure, Shapira said of the $100 million.

It’s just not going to touch everything that we need to touch.

The figure has raised eyebrows in the state senate with some representatives coming out and stating that the figure might be rejected. State Rep. Brad Roae (R., Erie) argued that supporting such a high figure would be a huge risk. He also indicated that he will not be supporting the funding and he was unsure whether his compatriots in the state senate would agree with the figure. He said,

I’m just afraid that’s such a big number that a lot of legislators won’t even hear what you say when you’re talking to them.

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education which represents 14 universities decided to revise their approach to the funding. They debated and came up with a solution on how they can break the figure they are requesting smaller annual amounts. They also said that there should be an agreement between the state senate and Pennsylvania state universities.

The aim of integrating the universities

The universities have stated that they all have a common goal of consolidating their schools in areas such as research and development, information technology, online learning and services such as accounts payable and human resources.
To set all these facilities, they have insisted that funds they have requested have to be made available for the development of infrastructure.
This move is projected to reduce the cost of operation for these universities, integrate their online presence and help in research and development. The move will also help universities to cope financially with the changing dynamics of the education system, strained finances and the low universities’ intake falling below the projected numbers. Penn state universities will be up to their elbows in clamoring for the much-needed support from the national government.
Meanwhile, Penn House Democrats carry the banner for students buried in unpaid debt. Reportedly, $70M in financial aid is given to students annually. It looks like a long road ahead for everyone. Gear up!


Kelvin Maina

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