Africa Technology

Africa's data gap hinders nation's growth

Africa's data gap

Africa’s data gap is a major concern that the government needs to address with urgency.

How urgent is Africa’s data gap concern?

Data plays a vital role in analyzing and solving problems. On a nationwide scale, it can give data analysts the needed tools to come up with a solution for recurring problems and project a future plan.
Data access has been a major problem for Africa ever since. The country has always been lacking technology-wise to keep up with the standards. With the issue of Africa’s data gap, the country will find it hard to monitor its progress and adapt to the needs of the future.

Healthcare system

Health Issues in Africa is also major concern. It is known to the world that Africa tops the list of countries with cases of HIV-AIDS. The healthcare system is having a hard time monitoring these cases due to the lack of data and constant neglect from several residents.
According to data, only eight countries in Africa have a working birth registration system and only three countries having death registration systems. Birth registration is essential in monitoring HIV cases since most of the cases are mother-to-child transmissions. When these cases are monitored, health workers will have an easier time to manage and come up with solutions in dealing with mother-to-child HIV transmission.

Education leading to employment

According to education governing bodies, Africa’s education quality and competitiveness have worsened since 2014. With a decline in quality graduates, the countries employment rate got illy affected. Many supposed to be young professionals are having trouble landing a job and some putting up with a job not inclined to their degree.
The increase in job applicants not landing a job presents a serious economic threat to Africa. Also taken into consideration is Africa’s rapid population growth, if population increases at this constant rapid rate, it will create more jobless young applicants in the near future.
Addressing Africa’s data gap will pave the way for more competitive learning coming into the country. If students have access to better learning, it will present better opportunities for them upon graduation. More job translates into positive economic growth, one thing that Africa needs to bring in more developmental projects to the country.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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