Europe Special Education

Legal action for SEND: 84,260 special needs funding crucial

Legal action for SEND to increase funding

Legal action for SEND has been issued against the government regarding their inability to provide adequate funding for 84,260 children with special needs.
The legal action for the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) support program was effected by three families with children in the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). The lawyers of the families presenting their case in court told the court about the crisis that has rocked the SEND fund in recent times.
They hold the argument that insufficient funds could jeopardize the lives of the special needs children; hence, the legal action against the government.
A 15-year old Nico Heugh Simone, nine-year Dakota Riddell, and 14-year Benedict Mcfinnigan were the children for which legal action was taken in favor. Each of the children hails from Robertsbridge, Birmingham, and Scarborough, respectively, and are actively speaking for other children in need of SEND funds.

Legal action for SEND reasons

Jenni Richard, speaking for the families, claims that the 2018 national budget was developed unlawfully. She said that there is genuine evidence that shows the insubstantial funding for SEND.
Ms. Richard further explained that the government did not adequately recognize SEND needs and present crises before making budgetary decisions.
According to statistics submitted by the Department for Education, the number of children requiring SEND funds has increased from 25,540 to 84,260 between 2015 to 2018.
These children between the ages of 16 to 25 years already have a statement or Education, Health Care Plan. So, the statistics were readily available to advise the budget preparation if it was noticed, according to Ms. Richard.
The legal action for SEND seeks a declaration that the administration’s approach to SEND funding is unlawful so that the Ministers will increase the funds. However, the government lawyers said the present administration recognized the increased number of special needs children, and plans had been made to include more funding for SEND.
Meanwhile, other organizations in support of the legal action for SEND include Campaign Network Send Action, the Royal Courts of Justice, Charities Mencap, and the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS).


Oluchi Maxwell

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