Technology United States

Digital instructional materials gain more adherents

Digital instructional materials, gaining more grounds

Digital instructional materials are gaining more adherents in the academic world, influenced by economic trends, social-emotional learning, and career-ready education.
The shift from print instructions to digital Instructional materials was adequately discussed in a webinar hosted by The presenter of the webinar, Kathy Mickey, revealed her company research findings on instructional articles, with trend analysis to show how the production companies have fared. 
The whole-course curriculum now includes these instructional materials as additional resources to print documents. Also known as basal products, this curriculum will remain one of the top-selling products, said Mickey. 

Subject-based digital instructional materials

These instructional materials are also put together by teachers using their class lessons to develop the curriculum. Additionally, more schools are recognizing the benefits of using free online and open educational resources, thereby contributing to the development of digital instructional materials.
Most school subjects now incorporate supplementary materials to enhance learning. For instance, to ensure that student’s ability to read English Language is attained at the appropriate level, schools are adopting phonics digital instructional materials.
Math and science subjects, according to Mickey, have most likely adopted instructional materials. Climate change issues have allowed teachers to gather materials for themselves.

New areas include social and emotional learning

Some new instructional areas have adopted the use of digital instructional materials. These news areas like social and emotional learning, career and technical education, and civics have conveniently gained more digital instructional materials. However, Mickey holds the opinion that programs such as social-emotional learning needs to be integrated with other subjects for longevity.
State policies have also influenced these instructional materials adoption. Previously, states adopt specific materials for diverse subjects, but in recent times, the adoption rates in states have reduced. California, Texas, and Florida are, however, still adoption states.
Digital instructional materials demand publishers sharing student data privacy standards, and classroom data to aid the purchase of learning materials and students’ individualized education needs.


Oluchi Maxwell

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