Australia Students

International students admission capped; fees rise to $320 million

ANU to cut international students as their fees rise to $320 million

International students coming from China, Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea may no longer enjoy open admission as plans are ripe to cap around seventy-five percent (75%) of all international students admitted.
Australian National University has outlined capping plans which will be done for the first time and may have been because of the rising numbers of these students.
During the last year, the university has seen significant growth of its international students population, with a population of over ten thousand (10,623), a seventeen percent (17%) rise from the previous period. This rise also increased the number of school fees collected by the institution.
Last year, the total amount of fees that were collected from both onshore and onshore international students was three hundred twenty million ($320M). This was an increase of twenty-six percent (26%) from the previous year. This rise has been because of relaxed admission criteria which the school plans to address with introducing new laws in its admittance process.

Breakdown of international students admission

Most of the ANU international students come from North-East Asia. This region which comprises of China, Japan, Taiwan, Mongolia, North Korea, and South Korea accounts for around seventy-five percent (75%) of all international students admitted. This region has seen a huge significant rise from 2016, where they comprised only around sixty-seven percent (67%).
South-East Asia accounted for 11 percent of the entire international students’ population. This is a drop from the year 2016, where the total number of students from this region was over fifteen percent (15.6%). The reset of the regions includes Americas which has almost two percent (1.74%), North-West Europe and North Africa which accounted one (1) percent with the rest of the world contributing to less than one percent each of the general international student’s population.
International students also accounted for around forty-eight percent (48%) of the total population enrolled in masters programs and thirty-two percent (32%) of those enrolled in doctoral programs in the institution.
The changes being implemented, however, are not expected to change the institution’s core missions of delivering quality education. It will also not affect international students already enrolled in school programs.


Kelvin Maina

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