Schools United States

Vaping crackdown using vaping sensors by school district

Vaping crackdown using vaping sensors by school district

Ohio, Illinois and New Jersey districts have introduced vaping sensors to their schools to combat vaping.
Mention of vaping is conjuring imageries of deaths and illnesses in people’s mind in the last few months. This, however, has not always been the case. E-cigarettes have always been seen as a safer form of smoking but this outlook has drifted dramatically with each news cycle about vaping that is coming out.

Vaping deaths

6 deaths have already been reported and over 450 illnesses that can be linked directly to vaping have also been diagnosed. This has resulted in a national conversation about how safe is vaping.
The fear surrounding vaping deaths and illnesses has spread far and wide including Washington. President Trump has spoken out on this issue proposing a complete ban of vaping products. Although this has faced a lot of backlash from both parties, it is not something that is far-fetched and may be introduced. California and New York, for example, have already introduced tougher laws to combat this vaping crisis.
Ohio, Illinois, and New Jersey districts have introduced vaping sensors to their schools to combat this menace. It is believed that one of the major reason for this spread among these schools is because of peer pressure. Students are overestimating the number of their schoolmates using vaping and they are feeling compelled to using it.

Vaping chemicals detected

The sensors are costing around $1,000 each. They can detect vaping chemicals from e-cigarettes and when they detect these chemicals, they send a text to school administration. The school administration now takes over and tries to determine the source of the text and how they can be able to control the smoking in those sections.
This is a step forward in combating the spread of vaping among teenagers. It will prevent future deaths and illnesses for these students. This will also be able to spread awareness about the negative effect of these chemicals and may deter some students from ever using vaping.


Kelvin Maina

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