Europe Government

No-deal Brexit spurs diverse fears; complicate terms for education?

No-deal Brexit is a complicated break

A no-deal Brexit is viewed as “nonsensical” by the former Philip Rycroft, Department for Exiting the EU’s Permanent Secretary. He believes that this is the scenario because a no-deal Brexit will instigate complicated negotiations.
Notably, Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, has stipulated that the UK will be extricated from the European Union on October 31, no matter what happens. 

No-deal Brexit has been contentious

Calls for a clean break from the EU have been instigated by Nigel Farage, the Brexit party leader, who has been urging the UK Premier to ensure that is attained.
His views are, however, refuted by Rycroft, who believes that a no-deal Brexit does not represent a clean break because complicated negotiations will be inevitable. He also believes that the process of being legally removed from the EU does not constitute a clean break.
Those in EU Higher Education voiced concerns.  Professor Koen Lamberts, Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield University talked about the effects of Brexit negotiations on education around the United Kingdom. Being born in Belgium, European laws and agreements protected him, but things may change when a final decision is reached on Brexit. 

No-deal Brexit will break close ties

Rycroft asserts that a no-deal Brexit will be disastrous as it will undo incredibly close economic and social relations with the EU. Notably, this partnership is fundamental for the prosperity of the UK, so this reality should not be in oblivion. 
Rycroft also proclaimed that a no-deal Brexit would need ties between the UK and the EU to be formalized meaning that considerable negotiations will be necessitated.
 He, therefore, believes that it will be nonsensical if a no-deal Brexit was to prevail as a sophisticated break will be unavoidable. 
Realistically, The Brexit debate has been contentious in the UK, but an ultimatum is almost being reached on whether a no-deal will go through or not. 
The British government has made plans for pushing a no-deal Brexit, but grievous risks will be inevitable.  For instance, the interference of fresh food and medical supplies is vowed to happen. This undertaking may prove disastrous as public unrests may be unleashed. 
Critics say that the no-deal Brexit on October 31 would introduce huge uncertainty for businesses. One study found U.K. trade with the E.U. solely on WTO rules would fall by 40% in ten years.


Brian Njuguna

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