
Language fluency and how to achieve it

Language fluency and how to achieve it

Being fluent in a number of languages is tricky. One impressive case of language fluency is Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, USA, who knows seven languages. However, it is not often that you see or meet people with that level of language versatility.
According to statistics, United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US) nationals are among the least diverse language speakers. In the UK, about sixty-two (62%) percent of people speak only English. In the US, the number is even more frightening at eighty percent (80%)
Recent research shows that as a result of Brexit, and the prolonged negotiations coming with it, a significant percentage of the British population has lost interest in studying foreign languages. This is an extremely worrying trend.

Achieving language fluency

Language fluency is something tough to achieve. While Mr. Buttigieg is reported to know seven languages, he admits that in many of them, he has a barely conversational level. 
In order to achieve language fluency, you need a lot more than a memorized grammar book. It is essential to practice your speaking and listening skills. Not only that but being proficient in a language can in no way be equalized with being fluent.
Mastering language fluency takes time and dedication. The best way to achieve a fluent level of speaking in a foreign language is to submerge yourself in an environment that uses this language. 
This is the reason why many courses involving language studies include a year or at least half a term of exchange programs, which sends students to the native country of the language studied. 


Hristina Yordanova

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