Government United States Universities

Trump’s 3 years and the universities of the US

Trump’s 3 years and the universities of the US

It was January 2017, almost 3 years ago, when Donald Trump took the role of the 45th president of the United States of America. The majority of the world was shocked, but the students, who had been showing little or no interest in politics were shocked the most. 
The University of Chicago saw a movement organized by the students in which abuses of the president were hurled on a large scale. Anti-Trump slogans and chants were everywhere written with spray paint and chalk.
Fast forward 3 years, we have seen so much from President Trump’s administration- controversial statements, new policies, interfering with the college curriculum and so much more. 
Ever since his arrival, Trump was focused on anti-immigration policy, which was one of the key-agendas in his manifesto. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was enacted in the Obama-era but Trump was determined to end it completely. Although he has not been successful, the universities all over the US have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight against the termination of DACA.

Trump’s administration has led to an increase in student’s election participation

There have been controversial changes with regards to sexual harassment, the administration has been accused of using a shallower and narrower version of how we define sexual harassment. New regulations under Title IX were made to change the policies that were made by the Obama administration.
With the help of Betsy DeVos, the secretary of the Education Department of the US, colleges, and universities were forced to make changes to the admission policies. The policies, since have been criticized by the college administration as ‘discriminatory’. The Black and Minority Ethnic groups (BME) have been affected the most.
Universities, as reputed as Harvard, were accused in a lawsuit of admission policies that discriminated against the Asian-Americans. Trump’s administration was able to conclude in 2018 that there are two main things that are pestering the universities, one was the use of opioid and the other was the use of free speech. Since then, universities and federal authorities have been ordered to keep a check on the ‘free’ speech.
Soon after the presidential elections, the University of Chicago saw a movement organized by the students in which abuses for the president were hurled on a large scale. Anti-trump slogans and chants were everywhere written with spray paint and chalk.


Mihir Sharma

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