What Does PMS Stand For?



PMS or PMS Premenstrual Syndrome is a condition in which changing hormones leads to disturbances in a female’s behavior, physical health, emotional and mental state.
Studies show that almost 90 percent of women suffer from PMS usually before the onset of menstruation or 4 to 10 days before the period starts. PMS and PMS signs are accompanied by several emotions like aggression, frustration, anger or sometimes even rapid fluctuations in different emotions or mood swings also take place due to PMS.
PMS is not a disease, rather, a natural phenomenon. PMS and PMS signs are seen in many females as the menstrual cycle includes changing hormones which leads to a change in behavior
PMS management is a requirement from school days only.
Hormones are chemical messengers that carry messages inside a woman. According to several studies, PMS is due to a drop in the levels of serotonin. Since serotonin is responsible for elevating mood, its gradual decrease leads to PMS or PMS related complications.

What does PMS mean for a girl?

PMS stands for a premenstrual syndrome which means it happens before menstruation. A menstrual cycle comprises 28 days long cycle in which continuous changes of chemical messengers take place in order to prepare and manage a woman to be pregnant.
Chemical messengers carry messages from the brain to the female reproductive organs including the uterus which is the major site white fetal development takes place. Chemical messengers take messages from the brain and ask the uterus to prepare a thick blood lining to make a suitable environment where the fetus can be nourished.
This mainly happens between the 12th to 17th day of the menstrual cycle when the ova inside a female is released. Every time the egg is released, females get some changes in hormones for preparation and management of the uterus for pregnancy. However, fertilization may not take place then the brain messages the uterus again with the help of chemical messengers to flush out that egg with the thick blood lining known as menstruation.
For its management progesterone increases and estrogen decreases. It is accompanied by lower levels of serotonin which is the major factor responsible for PMS mood swings or Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

How do I know if I’m PMSing?

A girl experiencing PMS may get some changes in mood and internal functioning, which we will elaborate on.
The major phenomenon that takes place is hormonal changes which can be identified with several symptoms experienced during PMS.
The main PMS cause or symptoms related to the mental state or emotional symptoms with reasons are stated below :

  • Irritability– PMS in many women can cause irritability. Irritability can be observed when you feel like management of certain things you used to do earlier was easy, but now every single task provokes you.  Since the levels of chemical messengers that make you happy are low, the urge to burst is more in women during PMS. During PMS they usually become ill-tempered and get irritated easily.
  • Depression– Constantly being sad due to lesser good chemical messengers that make you happy may lead to depression and PMS. Persistent PMS may sometimes lead to depression.
  • Anxiety– Women suffering from PMS get more anxious. Anxiety also altered their sleep patterns and many times suffered insomnia or may not be able to get enough sleep.
  • Anger– Women suffering from PMS easily get provoked. Anger can be the most basic PMS symptom seen in a woman, whose management is necessary.
  • Food craving or appetite changes – Usually women experience cravings for foods high in sugar and fats, and tend to eat more during PMS as compared to what they used to eat.
  • Crying– Usually, school-going girls cry more when all the symptoms regarding PMS combined are being experienced at a single time. Ill-mental management from school is also responsible for PMS.

The main symptoms related to physical state or physical symptoms with reasons are stated below :

  • Breast tenderness– Women experiencing PMS had a little pain in their breasts. Also, their breasts get a little swollen due to the production of progesterone which is responsible for the development of lactating glands in the female’s breast also known as breast tenderness.
  • Muscle cramps – The cells that form lining in the uterus sometimes also accumulate on areas other than the uterus which lead to pain in PMS
  • Acne – Drop-in levels of chemical messengers lead to over excretion of oil from oil pores present in the skin which clogged the pores and enabled the growth of acne-causing bacteria in PMS.
  • Bloating – Bloating or fullness of the stomach is again one of the most common symptoms of PMS. It feels like either you have eaten a lot or your stomach is swollen. It goes away as soon as the period starts.
  • Nausea – Although you are more hungry during PMS and you tend to eat more, in some cases during PMS fatigue and bloating are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache – Headache is a comparatively less common PMS symptom.

What causes PMS symptoms?

The main cause behind PMS or PMS premenstrual syndrome is hormones. A lower concentration of estrogen also promotes a lower concentration of serotonin. When we are happy serotonin level is at its peak so a decrease in its levels leads to anger issues or changing behavior in a fraction of seconds.
On the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, the elevation of all chemical messengers including LH, estrogen, serotonin takes place and a sharp peak is obtained immediately after ovulation. Soon after the release of ova, the level of hormones falls down including estrogen and serotonin, and the concentration of progesterone rise.
According to studies many professors, doctors, and health care department officials from medical school and medical departments suggest that symptoms of PMS or PMS symptoms may appear to be very common and symptoms of PMS should not be considered as a disease or emergency.
Girls should be taught how to deal with PMS and PMDD from the school and teachers from school should also guide them.
PMS is what women get or experience almost every month and if the condition worsens then she should be provided with a doctor or PMS consultation or her parents should provide medical advice.

Some reasons behind symptoms of PMS

Basic reasons behind PMS or PMS symptoms include:
Hormonal changes: During PMS levels of serotonin, estrogen, and progesterone fluctuate according to the need of the internal female environment and that leads to fluctuation in mental being as well. Every chemical messenger affects women’s eternal physical body differently leading to PMS.
With every menstrual cycle level of different chemical messengers either elevate or fall down. This process of rising or falling of a one chemical messenger like estrogen or progesterone leads to the occurrence of PMS. Imbalance in these chemical messengers is the main reason behind symptoms that PMS include.
Chemicals released in the brain: During PMS or PMS premenstrual syndrome all the processes taking place inside a uterus is possible due to the signaling between internal organs and brain. Transmission of neurotransmitters being used lead to changing chemical messengers which are responsible for PMS.
Neurotransmitters in the brain are released every time there is a need for change related to making the uterus suitable for the baby’s maturation and it is the primary step. Later on, that only enables other organs to change accordingly and acts as the primary cause of PMS.
Psychological disorders: Psychological disorders including depression worsen PMS as the amount of happy hormone released in a depressed woman is even less in amount than a healthy woman. Studies showed that physiological disorders including ill management of mental state were most likely found in women suffering from PMS for a longer period of time.
It is even hard for such women to tackle PMS as already they are facing a deficiency in the levels of a happy chemical messenger. Stress and mental disorders not only affect mental being or emotional state but also bring certain changes in body processes and sometimes lead to changes in body organs and body parts.

Does PMS stand for period mood swings?

Although PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome in layman language, we call it period mood swings also. The reason behind that is this premenstrual syndrome PMS usually occurs before periods or menstruation and the cause of PMS is also menstruation.
But, if we consider the case of females that suffer hormonal imbalance also experience PMS and their PMS does not every time end with menstruation.
Reasons behind no PMS or PMS premenstrual syndrome are:

  • Stress – It is another big reason behind PMS and period is not what causes it. One should find the main reason behind stress and proper treatment from a doctor and pills should be given.
  • Puberty– Puberty may hit an individual from the school only and is not what requires treatment or health advice but it accompanies PMS and PMDD in severe cases.
  • Pregnancy – Or sometimes taking pills to avoid pregnancy also disturb internal chemical messengers and management of the internal female environment. A lot of health-related changes may occur in women and they may experience PMS from the first day of the second trimester only.
  • PMDD – PMDD is another form of PMS. PMDD symptoms may be severe sometimes. proper lifestyle management and health and medical treatment and some appropriate drugs may help treat this PMS disorder.
  • Psychiatric reasons – Neurotransmitter imbalance may worsen PMS. Drugs can treat and help in the management of PMS.
  • Hormonal imbalances – one should find which hormonal imbalance they are suffering from and may take pills to treat imbalance which in turn will treat PMS and management of health and medical issues can also be made.
  • Menopause – according to health departments and medical school may sometimes accompany PMS and PMS related issues.

According to professor of medical school and management department drugs can be used for management of these PMS signs and disorders
Another case is that not every woman experiences premenstrual syndrome PMS. Some might just simply not experience any change in the mood before menstruation. A fraction of women were able to tackle premenstrual syndrome PMS easily. Or some just did not experience any severe hormonal changes leading to premenstrual syndrome PMS.


Women crave oily food in PMS and then end up eating it and it worsens PMS symptoms. In case you suffer from symptoms of PMS then you should talk to a doctor or seek medical advice or ask your parents if they can provide medical advice. Or try to find someone who can talk to you or help you out.
Certain medicines and pills can help to elevate your mood. A women’s health is very sensitive and should be taken care of. Cure of PMS, including change in lifestyle, can help you manage PMS symptoms. In the case of excessive pain or cramps, women’s health should not be ignored and PMS treatment should be provided. Studies about PMS and PMS syndrome should be taught from school only.


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