More better: Is this correct?


more better

Grammar can be very confusing which is why certain phrases seem right when we speak them but in real sense, they defy the fluency of English as a language. One such example is more better, a commonly used phrase that is grammatically incorrect.
Adjectives are words that modify a noun or a pronoun. For example in a sentence like Mary is a beautiful girl, beautiful is the adjective as it describes more about the girl. Adjectives can also be used to show comparison. On a comparison scale, the lowest is known as the positive form, the middle is the comparative and the highest is the superlative.

  • Her hair is long– positive
  • Her hair is longer  – comparative
  • Her hair is the longest– superlative

Our focus is on the comparative nature of adjectives. We apply it when only two things or people are compared. We make the comparison in two ways:

  • addition of -er to the positive
  • addition of the word more before the adjective. More is added when the word has two syllables and is not ending with -y as well as when it has three or more syllables.


  • expensive – more expensive
  • boring – more boring

Also when comparing two things, we can add than between the adjective and the object.
Example: She is prettier than her sister.
Hoping that the rules are clear, let us seek answers to the question “is more better grammatically correct?”

Is it correct to say more better?

Better is an irregular adjective in its comparative nature. This means it does not necessarily follow the rules because its forms are good as positive and best as superlative, instead of gooder and goodest. Another irregular adjective is bad. The comparative becomes worse and its superlative becomes worst, instead of badder and baddest.
So is it really correct to say more better? As we have seen, for a word to take its comparative nature, we either add -er to its positive form or add more before the word. An important rule to note is to never use -er/-est and more/the most together. This is where we get our answer, that more better is completely wrong.
Saying more better, more longer, or more prettier is repetition. Better is already in comparative format; hence, more better is similar to saying more more good. Likewise, more prettier is equivalent to more more pretty. This is absolutely wrong even at first glance. Something can only be better and never more better.

Is it more better or much better?

You might be wondering if much better is correct. Well, this phrase is actually an alternative to more better. Instead of saying more better, you would rather use best, much better, or even better. They are all related in meaning. We can get a clearer understanding through these examples:
Wrong: My laptop is good but you’ll find my brother’s laptop to be more better.
Correct: My laptop is good but you’ll find my brother’s laptop to be much better.
Wrong: Her answer was good but her deskmate’s answer was more better.
Correct: Her answer was good but her deskmate’s answer was even better.
We can try to understand better by answering other questions that share the same confusion.

Is more easier correct?

People commonly use more easier in a sentence. After defining the comparative rules, does this seem correct? Absolutely not! Instead of using the incorrect more easier, you could simply write it as easier.

Is more faster grammatically correct?

The answer to this question is similar to the one we have just answered. We cannot say more faster but rather we can simply say faster or much faster. I think by now the concept is well understood.
Most people use more better assuming it is accurate English – thinking it means better.  This is a common mistake because longer adjectives are compared using more, that is, more important, more expensive. As a result, many people think it’s okay to say more better, more richer, more easier etc. But that is always incorrect. Remember that we should never add -er to an adjective preceded by ‘more’.


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