What is a Run-on Sentence?


run on sentence

A polysyndeton is a type of a run on sentence but there are others. Let the English Forward team help you with “catching” up on them.
In writing, there are lots of mistakes we make unconsciously, especially when we’re rushing. One of which is comma splicing. This occurs when two or more complete sentences or independent clauses are fused and are separated only by a comma where it should be not.
Another mistake is when two complete thoughts or two independent clauses are fused in one sentence where proper punctuation is missing. How easy is it to miss punctuation, isn’t it?
Well, these two mistakes are just the two types of -on sentences. This type of sentence in writing is sometimes called a running sentence because it seems to be running without even pausing (i.e., adding a break such as a period, semicolon, conjunction, etc…). Read on to learn more about run on sentences.

What are the three types of run-on sentences?

There are three types of run on sentences in writing. The first two have already been mentioned above: the first one is a comma splice. The second one is when two clauses (independent clauses) or complete sentences are joined together without punctuation.
The third one, which isn’t mentioned, is called polysyndeton. Often used by informal, literary, r creative writers, this is when a coordinating conjunction is repeated where unnecessary. This writing style is used to convey certain emotions, like excitement. However, this isn’t acceptable in standard English or formal writing.

What is a run-on sentence example?

You may be scratching your head now. We know that long explanations aren’t enough. So here are examples of run on sentences with their types:

  • Monica anticipated Linda’s call, Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it. (Comma Splice)
  • Monica anticipated Linda’s call Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it. (Two Sentences joined together without proper punctuation)
  • Monica got so excited with the offer that she told her mother, and her father, and her best friend, and her sister, and her boyfriend about it the next day. (Polysyndeton)

What are the 5 rules to fix a run-on sentence?

There are actually five rules on how to fix a run on sentence, which are quite simple. Here they are with examples:
Rule Number 1: Use a period to separate run on sentences.
For Example, Monica anticipated Linda’s call.  Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it.
Rule Number 2: Use a semicolon to separate run on sentences.
For Example, Monica anticipated Linda’s call; Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it.
Rule Number 3: Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction to separate a fused sentence.
For Example, Monica anticipated Linda’s call, but Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it.
Rule Number 4: Use a semicolon, conjunctive adverb, and comma to separate two independent clauses.
For Example, Monica anticipated Linda’s call; however, Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it.
Rule Number 5: Separate two independent clauses or sentences using subordinate conjunction with one of the clauses.
For Example, While Monica anticipated Linda’s call, Linda got so busy that she almost forgot about it.

Can a run-on sentence have a comma?

Now that the rules have been written above, you know that the answer to this is yes. But, the comma should be used right, or else you’ll commit comma splice. So remember that when adding a comma, they should never be added to separate two independent clauses or a wrongly fused sentence. Yes, committing comma splices in writing may be something you weren’t aware of before, but now that you know it, congratulations!

Which of the following is a run-on sentence?

Now let’s take what you’ve learned to the test. You know that a run on sentence has a comma, but can you determine which of these sentences have commas that are misused (therefore a run-on sentence)?

  • Ana enjoys writing as much as Leo does, she always makes it a point to submit her article on time. [correct answer]
  • Jenna loves dogs, so she brought Dusky with her.
  • Because Aaron is always late, he was fired by his boss.
  • Dorothy was writing the final chapter of her eBook, she kept going until dawn. [correct answer]
  • Miriam only discovered her passion for writing at an advanced age, this didn’t stop her. [correct answer]
  • Loida was so excited to go to the grocery store only to find out that they’re already closed.
  • Dave loves swimming, and writing, and dancing, and acting, and modeling. [correct answer]
  • When Janna isn’t writing, she is taking care of her pets.
  • Before John finishes his sentence with a sincere apology, Suzette stopped, judged and intimidated her.

Final Thoughts

Writing is no easy task. Both formal and informal writing have their own challenges. In formal writing, there are lots of mechanics and grammatical rules that we have to follow.  But now that you know what run-on sentences are, you should now be more confident writing anything. Another pro tip we can give is that, when writing, it always pays to proofread your work for mistakes like run on sentences, because these can be very easy to miss.


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